Thursday, February 24, 2011

Freedom of speech

What is freedom of speech? We have the freedom to speak or mind as long we are not obscene.  Our government and judicial systems gets to decide what is categorized as obscene freedom of speech. Take for instance a case in Burlington, Conn. where a former high school student at Lewis Mills High School cried freedom of speech after being punish for berating public school administrators with vulgar language in 2007. In this case the courts have ruled in favor of the school district. I believe this was completely uncalled for by the student and that she has no legal standing on freedom of speech. She violated her right of free speech by posting obscenities. The First Amendment right of freedom of speech is very specific about not protecting obscenity and reserves the right to classify whether or not to consider as such. I think that many people are quick to cry free speech when really they need to consider what they have said/done in this case and then make a decision on whether or not to pursue the claim of free speech. I believe in this cause the high school student should be held accountable for her actions as it would set the standard  for other students. Far to often we allow these kinds of things to go unpunished and therefore the students do not take their actions seriously. It is very important to teach the lesson that you can't go around saying whatever you want to the extent of bashing, berating, or slamming other people. This has proven to be true by the government regulating obscenities. We all should be aware of what we say. Famous quote by Thumper"If you don't have anything nice to say don't say nothing at all."  

1 comment:

  1. I come to an agreement that many students use the freedom of speech to get around the system. The students need to understand and realize how the freedom of speech works. Imagine someone saying a racial comment about the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) out in public, then tried to defend it by saying he or she has the right of freedom of speech. It is unjust to try to defend a matter that touches the heart of many African Americans. Students must be careful and be more knowledgeable about how they try to express themselves.
