Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Public Schooling vs. Homeschooling

Some say that home schooled children are isolated and poorly socialized. This is a major misconception of many people. Home school has evolved over the past 20 years because of the rapid rise in homeschooling families. You now have a great variety of things to choose from being a home school parent. We have technology at our disposal and not to mention all the extra educational activities you have access to like a wide variety of sports, field trips, home school groups, music, art, PE, and that's just to name a few. I believe the days of thinking home schooled children are poorly socialized and isolated are over. some people have also said that homeschooling parents are selfish. I would say that it is my prerogative to be selfish. There will come a time when they have to go into this word and it is my job as a parent to make sure that they are ready.  I think the person who says we are selfish should step back and ask themselves what are  the reasons a parent might want to home school. First look at the fact our educational systems are failing our students. I am 32 and live in a good area and I have seen my surrounding school system change drastically and not for the better. The demographics have changed so drastically over the past 5 years.  Should the quality of our education change? NO we should give the more economically disadvantaged children the same education. I am seeing this happen in my local school system. As a society it is our job to fight for the rights of the economically disadvantaged children. Another major reason parents home school is because they want them to be taught spiritual truths from the word of God. One of the biggest mistakes our country ever made was to remove prayer and bible reading from the public schools. When these 2 things were removed in the 60's it caused a downward spiral of morals and accountability in our schools and in our society. Teaching the bible and praying to the one and only true God instills a reverent fear of God. A reverent fear of God is what so many of us lack. Think about the fact that children are killing other children. If they had a fear of God or a chance to believe in God that it would make them think twice about their actions. It would give our children  hope. The children who are taught to pray and seek God at home are the fortunate one's. Unfortunately they have to deal with the infiltration of crap the schools are packed full of.  I believe if  we turned back to God starting with our schools and Government we would see a drastic change in our country. With that said many parents have been forced into Homeschooling because of the moral decay in our public schools.

"Education Standards." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 15 Mar. 2002. Web. 9 Feb. 2011. <>.

"Home Schooling." Issues & Controversies On File: n. page. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 1 Sept. 2000. Web. 9 Feb. 2011. <>.

"Teacher Standards." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 31 Mar. 2002. Web. 9 Feb. 2011. <>. 


  1. For the most part this isorganized well and has good evidence to substantiate the claims you are making. You set up the point by suggesting that "some people believe" and then proceed to rebut that opinion quite effectively. I would work on two things: clarify the point of helping the economically disadvantaged. I wasn't sure why you were bringing it up al all. Also you would do well to show more specific examples of your own children.

  2. I will agree with you that there has been a serious change in our publc education system with a respect to a belief in God and that it would be good if there were more people who believed; however, I do not think that it is the public school system's role to teach faith. If they are to be considered as part of the government (in that they are funded by tax dollars) then it would be hard to say that they should teach a certain religion. The school can teach objectively about religion, but I think that faith and belief must be an individual choice.

  3. Don’t you think a child should also have a say in this? For example should they choose if they want to be home schooled or not? I think that we should value our children’s opinion. They will one day have to go out in the real world and face real world situation but if they are isolated how would they be able to learn from an experience they have never had. If they have never dealt with social interaction, or how to defend them selves from their peers, how would they be able to do this as they become older? I do agree that we should make the decisions as parents and do what’s best for our kids. I also %100 agree that the worst thing we have done was taking prayers and learning from the word of God in schools. I’m shock to see all these stories about bullies in school, if these children had the word of God implanted in their life them this wouldn’t happen. Sure some kids become astray, and sometimes after living a life as a Christian they may step away from the path of God but still one thing stays with them is it’s the fear of God. The fear of God’s is what stops use from sinning and without this and we really wouldn't care about the consequences of the things we do. As Proverbs 22:6 says Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
