Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blog #5

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  1. The Stand
    With all my heart and soul I adored listening to this song. I can relate to it since I gave my heart completely to the Lord and will never go back to the old me. In the song reveals that they know that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and failures. They take a stand to show God their ability to surrender their heart to God completely. This song is a message that speaks to the world, and to the ones who know salvation can only come from the King of Kings. (God)

  2. This play list is a nice change of pace. I knew this music was out there, but I guess it gets drowned out by all the loud rap groups. I have always love the song "Southern Cross", but never really paid attention to the words until now.

  3. I love the song Mighty to save by Hillsong. I’m proud to say I serve an amazing God that loves me as I am with all my weakness and imperfections he loves me for who I ‘am and not for what I have done in my past. If one day I’m left with nothing in this world, I know I’ll be okay because Jesus Christ is all I need. My God is mighty to save, all we need to do is accept him into our lives, and make him our Lord and Savior. Jesus died on that cross to save us from internal condemnation. But Glory to him to resurrected, and became king of kings and Lord of Lords. He is mighty to save ((ALL!!))
